Sunday, July 22, 2012

Updates :)

Sorry I havnt written in a while, I have had some busy days.... To catch everyone up on some things, Themba is actually walking now, the big boy :) He's almost running actually! He is learning in leaps and bounds! He says "please" "obey" "God" "I love you" and many more things, it's possibly the most adorable thing I have ever seen! Oh how my heart strings get tugged when I ask him, "Themba, who made you?" and he replies, with his finger pointing to the sky, "God!" in the cutest sing-songy voice ever!!!! Along with that exciting news, Aya (the first baby who came to the home)  has finally been allowed to move in with Newton and Vanessa under foster care! Newton and Vanessa have been wanting to adopt Aya for  long while now but her social worker, for some reason, doesn't believe in adoption, this makes things difficult. This foster care is a huge step in the right direction for all of them and we at the baby home are ecstatic!!! On Friday we (Donovan, Heather, Eliya, Kyllie and I) went to the animal park (we went to Pilansburg Game Reserve) it opened at 6:30am and you have a better chance of seeing animals if you get there early so in order to get there by opening we had to leave the baby home at 4:30am. We woke up at 3:40 and didn't get put the door till around 5am and got to the park before 7am, so we made pretty good time. We drove around all day and I got some great pictures! We didn't see any cats, but we did see elephants and giraffes and rhinos and hippos and lots of cool birds in their natural habitat, which was so cool!!! Kyllie and I went on a game drive, like a safari tour. We decided to go on the night game drive (since we got to stay in the park An hour after closing) and didn't see very much, we did get an elephant up close and saw a jackal and a black rhino (which are very uncommon) and the starts were sooooo beautiful! Even though we didnt see any lions, the game drive was so worth the experience) I think in all the day was about $50-60 (which mr Hamline had warned me in advance that it would be about that much, so I was okay with it) :) it was so much fun to experience and real safari! I felt, for the first time really, that I was actually in Africa! So, anyway, the night drive ended about 7:30pm and we left around 8. Didn't get home til 10pm and got in bed at 11something. It was a very long day, but a lot of fun!   It is so crazy, I woke p today and realized, I only have ten days left before I'm home. None days now, really. I can't decide whether to be ecstatic or sad.  I am so happy and excited to get home but at the same time it will be hard leaving here. I have grown so used to Pretoria, America will seem kind of weird to me when I get home. One amazing thing about being around Gods people, if you are a believer, you are always with family. They say that home is with people you love. I guess in a way, Pretoria almost feels like home to me. Not necessarily MY one and only home, but one of many homes to me. I love it here, I love the people, I love the experience. I am so blessed to have had this! And I most definitely want to come back someday, even if it's for a short term missions trip, I will always have a fondness for SA :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Question Is: Does God Love You?

Written on June 29 Hello all! I know I haven't written in a while, our Internet has been out for the past week. Thank you Africa! ;) No, despite the inconvenience, not having internet at my fingertips has proved to be a good thing. It can be so easy to become addicted to checking your Facebook page or checking email or wanting to look up just one more song on YouTube, etc. that we forget to live life "in the real world". Internet is good,but it is so much more gratifying to spend time with the people that God has placed around you rather than keeping your eyes glued to your computer screen all the time. So, in a way, I am grateful for the break, what a friendly reminder from God to spur me to spend more time getting to know the precious people around me!  Now what I really wanted to talk about...."Does God Love Us?" This is a question many of us have probably heard before. Probably the way I've most heard it put is: "If God loves us, why do bad things happen to us? Why is our life so miserable?" Now, that can be hard question to answer. But, it shouldn't be. Last Wednesday, I had the privilege to go to a Bible study with my friend Kerry. I was a little skeptical at first, I had never met these people and had no idea if what was taught at this Bible Study would actually be true Bible and of sound doctrine.  As a matter of fact, even Kerry only knew a handful of people that would be going and she was a little unsure of what to expect.  But she had been invited and she didn't want to go alone, so we both decided to "give it a try".   I must admit, what I found was surprising to me.  I was shocked.  The conversations and expositions of passages that went on in that living room, was so much more than I ever expected! It turned into one of the most memorable sermons/theological discussions I have ever had the privilege to participate in.  So sound, so Biblically saturated, so Gospel centered, I was overwhelmed with awe as I was reminded once again that I serve a big God. Here is yet another group of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that I really had no connection to (besides Kerry, who I met only a couple of weeks ago) The topic was "Does God Love Me?" I have been thinking on that sermon/discussion for the past few days and have been so encouraged and convicted even, that I wanted to share with you all, my notes from that night. In the hopes that you too will be encouraged and take something away from it as well.  The leader of the group for the night was a  young man named Pieter. And he had had the opportunity to talk about this topic to a group of teens at a youth camp/retreat a few years back. Here is an excerpt of my notes from that night.... How Does The Cross of Christ Prove God's Love? 1. The Cross of Jesus Christ Proves Gods Love, if We Remember Who it Was For: Who did Christ die for? Romans 5:6-10 -(v. 6) for the weak.  We can't save ourselves. (Eph. 2:1) We are dead. -(v. 6b) for the ungodly.  (literally without God) Before salvation, we lived our lives as if there was no God. We were our god. (Eph. 2:12) -(v. 8) for sinners.  We are sinners by nature. It's what we do.  100% of the time, apart from Christ, we will chose sin. -(v. 10) for His enemies.  Yes, ENEMIES. We were never neutral. Not only were we not neutral we had sword in our hand ready to charge, fully prepared to strike out at God. But. (v. 8) God did not give His Son for anyone worth it.  He didn't get anything out of it.  The only thing we could possibly boast in is the sin which we were saved from. That was the only thing we contributed to our salvation. 2. The Cross Proves Gods Love if We Remember Who Was Given Romans 8:31-39 (quote from some military official after they won the war) "Titles, riches, honors, does a man really care about those  things when he's lost his son?"   -God gave His only Son.  If you think it was hard for Abraham to give up his earthly, sinful son, Isaac, think about how much harder for God to give up His Son whom He loves perfectly and who loves Him perfectly. -God gave the BEST He had to the WORST. We as sinners tend to think, "if only I had.....(better car, marriage, bit home, kids, etc...) then I would know God loves me."  Now compare all of those things to Christ and ask yourself, do any of those things matter? No. God gave His best, His perfect Son, to His enemies.  What else could He have done? 3. The Cross Proves God's Love By What It alas Achieved -We Are Now Called Children of God (John 1:12) Not only did God take the weapon out of our hand, not only did He invite us into His house, He let us sit at His table. Not only did He let us sit at His table, not only did He take our sinful rags away, He clothed us in righteousness.  And not only did He clothe us in righteousness, He Adopted us. His enemies now His children. Think of someone walking into an orphanage, wanting to adopt a child, and they meet a child who is kicking them and screaming and spitting in their face, and they say "I want to adopt that one" That's what God did for us, multiplied by about a million. We are no only believers, we are not only saints, not only the church.  We are God's family. The perfect love between the members of the Trinity, God invites His enemies to join with that love. So when you are struggling with hardships and wonder "does God love me?"  Think about this, He gave His best and not only that, He adopted us into His family. What mor could He have done? Probably the most plainly put I've ever heard our relationship with God before salvation. It was so convicting to hear this and allowed me to see the Gospel again with even more understand than before. Kind of puts a greater understanding to the song "Jesus Loves Me This I Know, So The Bible Tells Me So"

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Same God

Has it ever occurred to you that the SAME God who created the Earth was the same God who promised Israel, multiple times in Isaiah, "Do not fear, I will help you."?  He didn't change. Has it ever occurred to you that that same God who flooded the Earth, sparing only ONE God-honoring family (the Only God-honoring family of the time) is the same God who promises to create a new heaven and a new Earth, perfect and without sin, so that it never has to be destroyed? Still, He hasn't changed.  Has it ever occurred to you that the same God, who promised help to Israel, and destroyed nations, is the one who showed the ultimate act of love by SACRIFICING His one and only (perfect) Son for wretched sinners like us, 2,000 years ago? Sinners like us, who reject Him day in a day out? (not unlike Israel in the old testament, I might add) Crazy right!?! He still hasn't changed! Has it ever occurred to you that the Holy God, of the Old Testament and the Holy God of the New Testament, are the SAME God? Never changing, always the same. And that same God is the one we are serving today. Those same promises apply to us, He will never leave nor forsake us. He WILL not change. And that same God that we are worshiping in the Sates at BCLR, is the EXACT SAME GOD that people are worshiping at Living Hope Church in Pretoria, South Africa. Do you remember that old childhood song, "Our God is So Big"? Well, guess what... He is.  What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!  It has been such an encouragement to me to meet brothers and sisters in Christ over here on the other side of the world, that I didn't even know I had! Such a joy to hear their stories of faith. And so convicting to watch them as they serve so selflessly! Our God truly is an Awesome God. Not distance, nor time, nor language, nor anything else, can faze Him.  He is all powerful, sovereign, holy and matchless.  I can only stand in awe. And my tiny human brain can only barely grasp even the tiniest bit of who God truly is! I truly do stand amazed in His presence. But not nearly amazed enough. God help me to grow in You so that I might love You more, know You more, and serve You harder than ever before. Amen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bless The Lord Oh My Soul

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! Who would have thought that I would be praising God for random things like these......a refrigerator, a 1/2mile walk to the grocery store,a memory card, a roommate that I don't know, the potential for Donovan and heather to get a car tomorrow, and a shipment possibly arriving on Thursday (like a moth late)?!?!? Well that is what i am here praising Him for today. First,our donated fridge, that has been sitting uselessly for the past few weeks, mocking us (Almost as if it s saying "haha, you can't use me!") finally, the repair guy came in yesterday and was able to fix it!!! We have a second fridge and pleanty of room for food now!!! Last night I had the joy of walking with my dear friend and one of many mentors on this trip, Vanessa. We walked a good ways to the grocery store and then back. I got lots of good food! Can't wait to cook some of these African dishes!!! So blessed to have someone with me who can tell me what is a good deal or not! ;) We did kind of give everyone a scare though...we didnt come home til after dark (the cons of having bright lights and no windows in the grocery store) haha, we made it home safely but the men were worried for us. I guess we won't be doing that again! ;) Well I could have sworn I came on this trip prepared with a memory card (an 8GB that I had borrowed from my dad) oddly enough it was no where to be found in my backpack, purse, suitcase, or camera bag. All I had were two tiny 1&2GB cards (full of pics) :( I had more or less decided to give up the search for the card, assuming I had left it at home. I wasn't worried about it. But, this morning I sat down to write some letters and hidden in the stationary box was my memory card!!!! Praise God! Now I can take as many pics as I desire!!!! So happy :) (funny, I'm sure when I put it in the box I was thinking, "Hmmm let me put it here so I don't forget where it is and lose it!" ;) Yesterday I also found out who my roommate will be this year. I am a little apprehensive about this I must admit. Although I am very excited to meet her, I am prayerfully hoping she is a believer!! Please be praying for me, that God would already be preparing my heart for this fall and that I would put my trust in Him and not be anxious! Despite my nerves, I am soooo happy to have a roommate finally!!!! (her name is Jamie, by the way, if you would like to also lift her up in prayer!) :) And then the two things we have been trusting God with the most will, Lord willing arrive this week!!!! Donovan and Heather came here without a car (hence why we have been walking everywhere or having to hitch rides....) neither of them drive manual, at least not well enough to be comfortable driving it "backwards" (the gears and everything are all done with your left hand instead of your right, over here) Anyway, praise God, a few days ago they found an automatic!!!! They were supposed to get it on Saturday, but that was not "Gods plan" we found out....then they were supposed to get it LORD WILLING they should get it tomorrow!!! ;) let's pray they do!! (not that I mind walking, it's good excercise ;) Also, the shipment that has most of Donovan and heathers things (along with all of the baby shower gifts that BCLR donated, and other donations as well) was supposed to come in weeks ago. (in fact it's been in SA for a few weeks now) but due to weird African rules, and specific paperwork, and this business trying to squeeze out every penny they can out of us....we haven't received the shipment yet. According to Andre (who is kind of like our treasurer and our business manager guy) they shipment should come in on Thursday (Lord willing, again)it will be so much nicer when we have the shipment. It's funny the little things we miss, like baking pans and whisks, and hair dryers! ;) Please pray that we will be trusting in God, and not be anxious, His timing is perfect. There are no accidents in matters like these. :) we are deffinately growing in patience! That's about all of the updates I've got thus far! Thank you all for your prayers!! Talk to you soon!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Hardest "Easy" Missions Trip

This trip is challenging in that it is so much easier than i expected in many ways. Like most Americans, when I thought of a missions trip to South Africa, I thought of the Africa that we all know. Dessert, lions may eat you in your sleep, grass huts, bad water, total poverty, no modern conveniences.   I'm about to blow a few people's minds here...thats not what I found.   Perhaps everyone else is smarter than me, I don't know. But coming here I have been blessed to find we have running, DRINKABLE water! I have yet to see a lion roaming the streets....We have Internet capabilities, the roads are paved. I am living in a building made out of brick, not grass and mud. I have my own bedroom with a door and everything!! Crazy huh? These are better loving conditions than i have had on any of my previous missions trips, besides maybe Scatter last year.  Some of these things I knew I would have but I was still surprised at how normal life here feels.  I'm hardly having to "sacrifice" anything for this trip.   Now might be where everyone is asking, " wheres the hard part?" The hard part is that on most missions trips that I have been on, I have had to give up so much more. I have been told to be flexible and to expect some inconveniences. I have been put to work every day for the vast majority of each day, early mornings and late nights. This trip is insanely different. Yes I am working, and the work is trying, but it's not taxing. It is a joyful labor. I have so much more down time than I ever expected to have. I have so much more of a social life than I thought I'd have (I actually have more of a social life here than i did in the States!) (although I may have just invited Josh and Marda, who are probably reading this, to dig up more work for me!) ;) but I'm serious! I am going to a slumber party tonight! Who else can say they've done that on a missions trip?!? I could easily say this is the best missions trip ever! But at the same time it is very difficult. It is difficult because it is hard, with all of these comforts and conveniences, to remember that I am on a Mission Trip.  It feels almost like I'm visiting close family whom i have never met and who also happen to live in South Africa. ;) I need to daily remind myself that although I may be on "summer vacation" according to the american school system, I am NOT on vacation. I am here to serve my Christian brothers and sisters and to show Gods love to these people in South Africa.  It is not time to be comfortable, it's not time to be lazy. This trip is so much fun and I am storing up plenty of great memories that I will treasure forever, I'm sure, but I must remember to wake every morning with a servants heart. And to commit this  summer (or African winter) to God.  And now that I am typing this up I am slowly realizing that this thought process is very good preparation for college actually. Because that is the thought process we should all have regardless of whether we are on a missions trip or not.  Wake up in the morning eager to serve the Lord.  And so I leave us all with this challenge: "So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God is Faithful

I heard it said during the Scatter missions trip last year, "don't be surprised when God answers your prayers". So true! But so often I find myself floored time and time again when God answers my prayers. God is a faithful God, He is a loving God, He holds true to His promises, He promises to never let us go. What a comfort to know that we aren't walking through this life on our own, yet so often, I seem to forget that. Why do I fret? Why do I continue to worry about tomorrow and allow myself to become frustrated, before finally turning to God? It's my stubborn human-ness I suppose. But God is still faithful. Well the past few days, as some of you may know, have been difficult. Especially involving one precious 18month old. It seems, just a few days ago, that he and I just could not get along. My patience was running short as he continued to disobey and fight me, and he quickly decided that I was his least favorite person. It was very disheartening, this trip had suddenly become very hard, and I didn't understand why. Finally, after trying to rely on my own patience and my own strength, and failing miserably I might add, I finally called out to God. Understanding that only by His grace can I have the patience and the endurance to love on these babies even when they are screaming their heads off (because as I'm sure most if you agree, it is easy to love babies when they are sleeping, and fun to hold them when they are giggling and cooing at you.) By Gods grace i have woken up the past two mornings refreshed and excited to see the kiddos. I have been happy to sing songs to them when they are screaming, and I wonder if they can hear me. And as for my precocious 18month old? He and I have gotten along famously. As a matter of fact, I'm the only one he wants right now. God has blessed me with a patience and a joy, that I didn't know I could have! How good it is to know that I can trust Him to always be faithful, even when am not, and I try and do things my own stupid way. He's always there, always faithful. I am so blessed to be serving here with these precious gifts! And so grateful for the ways God is growing and strengthening me through all of this! Even with baby drool dribbling down my hand and pants as I type, I can still say, I am so blessed to be here!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Babies, Taxies and Lots of Waiting....

We got up at 6am yesterday! Earliest day yet!  Kyllie and Vanessa and I took Piso and Aya to the clinic today for HIV/AIDS test results and immunization vaccinations.   Vanessa had warned me that the way this particular clinic works (they are very rude, especially to blacks) we might be at the clinic all day. I still had no idea, just how long she meant.  I thought a few hours at the most... We left the baby home around 7:30 and walked to the nearest "big street" where we hopped a taxi. That was a new see, in SA the taxis are more like white busses filled to the brim with people.  They are "kings" of the road, watch out, if you are ever driving in SA they may not stop for you!!!  The taxis will practically stop in the middle of the road to pick you up, so long as they get your business.  The taxi could not take us all of the way to the clinic so once it d ripped us off we had to walk the rest of the way. It was definitely a new experience seeing the poorer side of SA. The stinky, crowded side where people saw you, a white person, and looked at you like "ooo, what is she doing here!?!" We arrived at the clinic just before 8am (the clinic opens at 7:30) and we were not seen until 2pm! We literally spent all day there. Over seven hours of our day just for that! It was crazy. First we had to stand in line. Then we got the ok to sit down on a bench and wait to move up to get our waiting number (yes...we had to wait for our waiting number!!!) They had a strange system. They had two rows of six or seven church pew-like benches.  As they called the first row down everyone moved up a row. So gradually we made it to the front of the other side.  We were handed our number (numbers 192, 193, and 194). After getting our umbels we had to sit in the front row of the other side and wait for them to call our file names. We sat and sat and sat and listened to many many names called, until the lady finally came out and said "those of you who are waiting for injections,mi will not call your name now.  There are too many babies in the back room. I will not call you now, just wait. Do not ask me how long it will be, I do not know." And so we waited, again.  Finally our names were called and we were directed to a different waiting room where we waited to be called up soothe nurses could weigh the babies.  After weighing the babies (Piso, who is 2months was 5.3kg and Aya, who is 4 months, was 7.4kg!)  after that they lined us up in order of number, which had not been used thus far, and we waited some more until the nurse called us in for shots. A very boring, yet somehow tiring day! But praise God! All three of our baby girls' test results came back negative! Even Piso's who's mom was HIV positive! She was given an injection right after both and her mom put her on formula immediately so she never got it from her mom :) a huge blessing! And surprise, usually they don't have money to put the babies on formula (moms milk is cheapest but one main way that HIV is passed on from mom to baby) We were so thankful for that! God is so good!

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Busiest Summer Yet

If you had asked me last year what I would be doing this summer I never would have guessed that I would be gearing up to spend two months in Pretoria, South Africa. But isn't that the beauty of serving an all sovereign, all powerful God? I may not have known to be preparing for this amazing opportunity, but God knew this. Now I am sitting in a coffee shop in a mall in Pretoria, SA typing this blog post, crazy huh!?! I know I have not posted like I said I would, I apologize, I had no idea that we would not have Internet where I am at (although we are working on it!) Lord willing, we should have Internet at some point this week (I hope so !!!) In a way, although not having Internet has been an inconvenience, it has also served as a way to really commit this trip to the Lord. I think God is trying to prove to me that He is the only one I need to survive, and reminding me that my strength comes from Him. He should be my strong hold. I think in this modern world we live in (even in South Africa) we have become very comfortable with having the world at our fingertips, it is kind of a shock to all of the sudden not have that luxury. Although I will be very glad to write more frequent blog posts and email my boyfriend and family, who are probably quite uneasy about not hearing from me as regularly as we had hoped, I know deep down that this short time of separation is good. Quickly allow me to give you all a bit more of an update while I have free wi-fi handy! We have four babies right now  Aya- 4months (F) Piso- 2months (F) Seekanisso- 3months (F) and  Themba- 18months (M) Please be praying for patience for me, these crying screaming babies are harder to love than I thought (although I do love each one dearly!) .and things are more difficult here than I thought (like not having Internet or a hot shower my first couple of nights...;) but I fel very blessed to be here serving alongside these great people! Today is grocery shopping day so we just exchanged my money (which feels awesome btw!!) I exchanged $1000 in American money and got back over R8,000 (south African currency) the exchange rate is high right now. It used to be about $7.5 per 1rand and right now it is $8.3 per 1 Rand! Talk about feeling rich! I am going to try my hand at making south African food (try is the keyword there! ;) So far what I've had is pretty tasty! Although if I tried to spell it or even explain it to you Im sure I would butcher it! I will try my hand at explaining certain foods at another time ;) Today intern nĂºmero dose flies in, her name is Kylie and she is coming from CA. She just graduated college and primarily wishes to study HIV so she will be spending her weekends with us at the baby home but during the week she will be at Lambamo Hospice which takes in HIV and AIDS Babies and provides the proper medication for them. We picked up a little boy, Themba, from Lambamo on Froday, actually. He is 18months and is HIV positive. Deffinately be praying that we can find him a home,, being that he is so "old" and many people are afraid to adopt a child with HIV. With the mess that he is on, as long as he keeps taking them regularly he will grow up to be a very healthy child :) Tomorrow I will take Aya and Piso to the clinic with One of the nannies for checkup and shots, that will be an experience! At this point I need to stop writing however, I know there is sooo much more to tell! But unfortunately I need to eat and in order to do that, I must buy groceries! Until next time! Thank you all for your prayers! Rachael

Thursday, May 31, 2012


This blog was created so that I could share with everyone this amazing opportunity that God has provided for me this summer. Also so that i can document everything that happens while im here so that I can insure I will never forget it. I also hope that you will be encouraged when you read this blog and that you will have the opportunity experience with me almost first hand God's amazing grace snd blessing. This summer I was invited to Spend two months in Pretoria, South Africa serving the Mack family and the Drew family (you will hear more about these people later)at the Muphamuzi Baby Home (which opened this past February) I just finished nearly 20.5 hours of total flying time and finally arrived in Pretoris just about an hour ago. This is quite a feat for a girl who has never flown in her life!! What an experience! I hope to write more later, but I wanted to go ahead and get something up for now. Alas, I have had very little sleep in the past 48hours and it is currently 11:30pm where I am ;) so for now I bid you all a goodnight! Hope to post again tomorrow! -RK