Friday, June 22, 2012

The Same God

Has it ever occurred to you that the SAME God who created the Earth was the same God who promised Israel, multiple times in Isaiah, "Do not fear, I will help you."?  He didn't change. Has it ever occurred to you that that same God who flooded the Earth, sparing only ONE God-honoring family (the Only God-honoring family of the time) is the same God who promises to create a new heaven and a new Earth, perfect and without sin, so that it never has to be destroyed? Still, He hasn't changed.  Has it ever occurred to you that the same God, who promised help to Israel, and destroyed nations, is the one who showed the ultimate act of love by SACRIFICING His one and only (perfect) Son for wretched sinners like us, 2,000 years ago? Sinners like us, who reject Him day in a day out? (not unlike Israel in the old testament, I might add) Crazy right!?! He still hasn't changed! Has it ever occurred to you that the Holy God, of the Old Testament and the Holy God of the New Testament, are the SAME God? Never changing, always the same. And that same God is the one we are serving today. Those same promises apply to us, He will never leave nor forsake us. He WILL not change. And that same God that we are worshiping in the Sates at BCLR, is the EXACT SAME GOD that people are worshiping at Living Hope Church in Pretoria, South Africa. Do you remember that old childhood song, "Our God is So Big"? Well, guess what... He is.  What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!  It has been such an encouragement to me to meet brothers and sisters in Christ over here on the other side of the world, that I didn't even know I had! Such a joy to hear their stories of faith. And so convicting to watch them as they serve so selflessly! Our God truly is an Awesome God. Not distance, nor time, nor language, nor anything else, can faze Him.  He is all powerful, sovereign, holy and matchless.  I can only stand in awe. And my tiny human brain can only barely grasp even the tiniest bit of who God truly is! I truly do stand amazed in His presence. But not nearly amazed enough. God help me to grow in You so that I might love You more, know You more, and serve You harder than ever before. Amen.


  1. A. Men.

    Thank you so much for this encouragement today, Rachael!

    1. So glad that your were encouraged sweet friend! I think we all need to be reminded of Gods awesomeness from time to time, I know I do!!!
